Sunday, December 10, 2006

English Cottage

This is also a photomanipulation. I manipulated a photo that I took in England in January. Please take the time to look at the original photo and see what I have done to it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Another photo manipulation. This is Susan, from the Dark Tower books by Stephen King.

Stock used in this manipulation is from and stock.xchng.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Yes, I have been reading Sandman.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Never Forget

I decided to do a photo manipulation today, too. Again, stock photos came from, and photoshop brushes from I also used one of my own stock photos from

You can buy this design on an assortment of gifts from my online store. Products available: T-shirts, throw cushions, jewellery boxes, tote bags, mugs and coasters, buttons and magnets.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Face Your Demons

Today I decided to do a photomanpulation rather than draw a picture. Stock photos are from stock.exchng and the photoshop brushes are from rL-brushes.

*o* You can buy magnets and buttons of this picture at my shop. Come on, you know you want one ;D

Friday, October 13, 2006


Well, I'm having trouble already keeping up the pace. It's difficult to do something like this when you have a full time job, and keep ending up busy on the weekends too.

Anyway, this is a freehand picture, colour pencils on card. He kind of reminds me of Tao from the Mysterious Cities of Gold.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sidelong Glance

Acrylic on gold foil origami paper, 15x15cm.

Friday, October 06, 2006

With Fake Eyelashes

This scanned badly. It is felt pen and acrylic on carboard (which is why it is so wrinkly - I never learn).

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Tonbo Art

I want to get better at art. Today, I feel inspired to follow in the footsteps of Jeremiah Palecek and attempt one piece of artwork a day. Since I have a full-time job, no doubt I will fail miserably; but oh well, that's life. My artwork is still very amateur but I hope that I will gradually get better by attempting this.

Anyway, here is todays picture. Felt pen on B5 cardboard. The chopstick is decorated with dragonflies in commemoration of this blog title (tonbo is Japanese for dragonfly).